Thursday, December 10, 2015

Inspirational quotes

  • When people look down on you because you aren't who they want you to be, that's when you know you are doing something right. 
  • Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.
  • When someone special enters your life unexpectedly, don't let them go, because they were probably brought into your life for a reason.
  • Psychology says, the longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that individual.
  • One smile, can start a friendship. One word, can end a fight. One look, can save a relationship. One person can change your life.
  • Stop stressing over it, just let it be, everything will be ok.
  • "We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." - Max Dupree
  • Laughing until your stomach hurts, it's what friends are for.
  • Avoidance won’t help. Face your demons.

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